"While I was working on a career, God was developing a calling". Pastor Daniel is a "man of transition". Being born in the South, his career options were limited. Yet, he shifted from the farm to academia, where he graduated from Hampton University (VA), receiving a B.A. in Biology and a M.A in Bio-Research and Secondary Education/Counseling. By God’s design, his transformative transition was not limited to education. Pastor Daniel’s spiritual and religious roots stemmed from being reared in a multi-denominational family that included African Methodist Episcopal (AME), Baptist, “Holiness” and Jehovah’s Witnesses. It was not until after graduate school that Pastor Daniel was exposed to and embraced Apostolicism. This monumental transition occurred under the incredible ministry of the honorable landmark and Apostolic Father, Bishop Paul Alexander Bowers.
Pastor Daniel is today's "renaissance man", a man of many qualities including the following:
Suffragan Bishop LaVelton J. Daniel Sr. | Senior Pastor

Servant Leader Pastor Daniel is a strong advocate for serving. Through his years in ministry, you may have found him cleaning bathrooms, cooking up a delicious southern meal in the kitchen, or even landscaping outside. You can find him where ever the need is. He does not require you to be a servant in a place where he has not served or would be willing to serve himself.

Visionary "Developing the whole man...through the master's plan". Pastor Daniel is a supporter of revolutionary thinking that will drive holistic development. He believes "As saints, we are God's anointed agents in the Earth who help people discover, walk in, and fulfill their purpose and God's plan for their lives".

Family Man Pastor Daniel is married to the dynamic, praise powerhouse First Lady, Evangelist Patricia A. Daniel and the father of three children - LaVaugn, LaVelton II (Kelley), and LaVincent. He is the grandfather of six lively grandchildren - McKenzie, Talia, Dinah, Kaylin, Cambrie, and Devon "Jordan" (who is sleeping in Jesus). He is also the son-in-law of the honorable, Bishop Paul A. Bowers.

Inclusive "It's all about souls". Pastor Daniel has a soul-winning passion to seek and reach individuals, sharing the gospel, regardless of background or culture. "I want those who come to Greater Emanuel to feel that we're going to help pace their spiritual development and walk with God; we’re not just here to influence them into joining something".

Relatable Personality Any one who meets Pastor Daniel will mention a number of things about him - his smile, his concern for people, and his willingness to serve would be the top three qualities.

Avant Garde "Not afraid to make mistakes". Pastor Daniel is known for his innovative and inventive approaches for ministry. He is not afraid of pioneering a new idea or concept, as long as its intent is grounded in soul-reaching and/or whole man development.